Infinite Frontiers: The New Age of Discovery

Unveiling the hidden frontiers in a seemingly charted universe
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I remember the day I realized I was lost. Not traveling—my GPS worked fine—but lost in the vastness of potential. It was 2019, and I was probably on the well-worn path to becoming a consultant. That’s what everyone else around me was doing.

But something felt off with that pursuit. Where was the thrill of discovery? The excitement of creating new possibilities?

Have you ever felt like you’re following a map someone else drew, when deep down, you know there’s an unexplored world waiting just for you?

The Illusion of a Fully Charted World

We're living in a world where every inch of land has been mapped, every mountain climbed, every ocean crossed. National Geographic's cameras have peered into the most remote corners of Earth, leaving only a handful of uncontacted tribes and the depths of our oceans unexplored. It's enough to make you wonder: where do we channel that burning curiosity, that itch for discovery that's hardwired into our DNA?

Many of us fall into a deceptive trap. We look at this fully charted physical world and conclude that all significant discoveries must have already been made, at least without luck. We start to believe that because everyone seems to be chasing the same things—those roles, industries, or luxury goods—these must be the only worthwhile pursuits left. It's not that we think opportunities are scarce; we simply fail to imagine where new frontiers might exist.

This closed mindset lulls us into following predetermined paths, assuming they're the only options available. We resign ourselves to competing for the same jobs, chasing the same goals as everyone else. After all, if there were any unexplored territories left, wouldn't someone else have found them already?

To make matters worse, we fall into the trap of seeing innovators like Elon Musk and Steve Jobs as a different breed altogether. We look at their polished success stories and convince ourselves that they must possess some inherent genius or extraordinary quality that we lack. What we fail to see is the messy, uncertain journey that led them there—the countless failures, the gradual progress, the moments of doubt. We forget that they too started as 'regular folks' with big dreams and a willingness to venture into the unknown.

This distorted view of innovation creates a false dichotomy: there’s extraordinary innovators and the rest of us. We start believing that unless we have some special spark of creative genius, we're not cut out for groundbreaking discovery. But this perspective ignores the reality that innovation often comes from persistent exploration and a willingness to challenge the status quo, not from some innate superpower.

The result is treading water in a sea of sameness, afraid to strike out towards uncharted waters. We stick to the well-worn paths, convincing ourselves that it's the smart thing to do. After all, in a world where everything seems discovered, isn't it safer to follow the crowd? Surely someone knows more than us.

That perspective is not just limiting—it's flat-out wrong.

Push Boundaries, Create Ripples

The frontiers haven't disappeared; they've just shape-shifted. They've gone from geographical to personal, from external to internal. And let me tell you, these new frontiers? They're infinite.

Your frontier is unique to you. It's that space between what you know and what you've yet to discover. It's your "adjacent possible," as investor Nico Wittenborn puts it. And when you start exploring it, something extraordinary happens:

  1. You Contribute to Collective Progress: Every time you push your boundaries, you create ripples. Your personal breakthroughs inspire others, reshaping the entire landscape of human capability.
  2. You Solve A+ Problems: You focus on the hard challenges that matter, not just the easy wins. These are the problems that put you in your frontier.
  3. You Develop a Unique Vision: Just like Steve Jobs envisioned the "digital lifestyle" before it existed, you have the power to conceive new concepts that could reshape industries or solve global challenges.
  4. You Turn Failure into Fuel: On the frontier, failure isn't a setback—it's a stepping stone. It exposes interesting nuances and often leads to unexpected discoveries.

Your personal frontier makes you a part of something bigger than yourself.

Each individual pushing their own boundaries contributes to a network of progress, where ideas cross-pollinate and inspire further breakthroughs. It's like a domino effect of progress, where our individual efforts, amplified by technology, combine and compound.

This allows humanity to tackle problems we once thought impossible, turning the sum of our personal growth into exponential leaps in our collective capabilities. It’s why Balaji coined the phrase “Immutable money, infinite frontier, eternal life.”

Charting Your Personal Frontier

Let's map out a journey that will help you discover, explore, and establish your personal frontier. A frontier is won’t find you because true frontiers—whether in innovation, personal development, or societal progress—exist at the edges of what is currently known, understood, or accepted. This happens in stages at your own pace.

Stage 1: Mapping Your Territory

List 3-5 areas that fascinate you, even if they seem unconnected. These could be emerging technologies, social challenges, philosophical questions, or industries—whatever sparks your curiosity.

In my case, AI caught my attention back in 2019. I was taking ISA 225, an introductory business analytics course, and something clicked. While most of my classmates saw AI as science fiction or a far-off future technology, I began to see a different picture. Businesses were amassing enormous amounts of data, and I realized this meant exponential growth in AI's training capabilities.

Nietzsche's observation that madness is the rule in groups forms the foundation of a contrarian approach. For each area, identify these delusional popular beliefs lead to hidden contrarian truths. To find new frontiers, we must question our understanding of the past and seek the contrarian truth behind popular delusions.

What contrarian truth did I uncover? While others saw AI as a distant dream, I recognized it as an imminent reality, prepared to reshape industries in the near future. This realization set me on a path to explore this frontier.

Stage 2: Gathering Feedback and Refining Focus

Choose one of your contrarian insights and design a small-scale test to explore it further. This could be writing an article, reaching out to a thought leader, or creating a simple prototype. The goal is to start engaging with new frontiers in a tangible way.

Driven by curiosity, I began to immerse myself in the world of AI. I made it a habit to visit my professor's office hours, engaging in deep discussions about the technology's potential. But I didn't stop there. I reached out to entrepreneurs building startups, scheduling calls to pick their brains and gain real-world insights.

As you begin to generate results from your micro-experiments, it's crucial to gather feedback. Pay attention to what resonates most with others and what new perspectives they bring to your thinking. This feedback will be invaluable as you refine your frontier.

Based on the feedback you've received and your own experiences, evaluate what energized you most, what resonated with others, and what felt like it had unexplored potential. Use these insights to narrow your focus to one or two areas that show the most promise and align with both your strengths and the world's needs.

Stage 3: Establishing Your Frontier

With your focus narrowed, double down on your most promising area.

Start creating more robust projects or experiments. This could mean trying to build something on your own, making a career switch, or taking courses. The key is to do something substantial that will build your knowledge.

For me, this meant taking a leap into the AI industry. In 2021, I joined Seamless.AI in a sales role. This wasn't just about selling a product; it was about immersing myself in the AI ecosystem, understanding the challenges and opportunities firsthand.

As you dive deeper into your chosen area, establish a regular feedback loop. Consistently evaluate what's working, where you're seeing growth, and how you're aligning with your passions. Use this information to iterate on your approach, always staying open to new directions or insights that emerge.

My journey didn't stop at Seamless. Eager to understand the bigger picture, I transitioned to a Summer Associate role at a venture capital fund focusing on AI investments. This experience exposed me to lots of people building AI applications, cementing my commitment to this frontier.

As I was contemplating my next move, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I taught myself how to train an image recognition model using Google AutoML. It was a lightbulb moment. Suddenly, the abstract concepts I'd been dealing with became tangible. I wasn't just talking about AI anymore; I was creating it.

This hands-on experience was transformative. It made me realize that while venture capital offered valuable insights, my true passion lay in being closer to the product. I wanted to have a more direct impact on shaping AI technologies. This realization, born from getting my hands dirty with actual model training, led me to my current role in product management, where I can directly influence the development of AI solutions.

It's these self-initiated projects, these leaps into the unknown, that really define our frontiers.

Stage 4: Keep Momentum

To keep your momentum going, establish some ongoing practices.

Set aside dedicated time for writing, researching, or experimenting in your chosen areas. Make a habit of reaching out to experts or innovators in your field—you'll be surprised how many are willing to share their insights.

Feed your mind with articles or books that push your understanding further.

The path of a pioneer is never straight or predictable. Embrace the twists and turns, the unexpected discoveries, and yes, even the moments of doubt. They're all part of the journey to your personal frontier. Each step you take, each experiment you run, each conversation you have is charting new territory—your territory.

My journey from a curious student to a product manager in AI, with detours through sales and venture capital, exemplifies this winding path. Each role taught me something new, refining my understanding of the AI frontier and my place within it. But here's the thing: I'm still exploring, still pushing boundaries, still seeking that next breakthrough or insight.

The frontier, by its very nature, is always moving.

  1. Invest Like the Best: Nico Wittenborn - Finding the Adjacent Possible
  2. AI and The Burden of Knowledge by Mario Gabriele
  3. New Hires: Learn How The System Breaks
  4. Super Thinking by Gabriel Weinberg and Lauren McCann; Page 72
  5. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson; Page 373, 531
  6. Zero to One by Peter Thiel; Page 12, 97

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